A smile makeover is a procedure of improving the aspects of the smile between one or extra cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental veneers, composite bonding, tooth implants, teeth whitening, etc.
A smile makeover is a procedure of improving the aspects of the smile between one or extra cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental veneers, composite bonding, tooth implants, teeth whitening, etc.
A visit to the dentist can be due to several reasons; oftentimes, it is due to teeth problems, or regular check-ups to ensure healthy teeth at all times, with proper cleaning at the doctors’. Recent times have seen a steep increase in people visiting the dentists for cosmetic procedures, which can include whitening, and other...
Have you ever thought about the importance of your smile? A good smile can make a huge difference in your overall personality. Your smile has a good amount of say over the level of self-confidence you hold in a public and personal situation. A smile holds a lot of importance in your daily dealings. It...