At aesthetic smiles which awarded as one of the best dental clinic in mumbai, we believe that everyone deserves good dental care.
Implant overdentures are quite similar to conventional dentures but they have a few attachments that connects to the dental implant which have been implanted in the jawbones.
Implant overdentures usually require 2 to 4 dental implants and in most cases the existing dentures can be modified to fit these implants
Implant overdentures are very stable and they don’t fallout while talking or chewing and at the same time they can be removed easily cleaned and put back.
For more information on dental implant overdentures , book your appointment today with Dr Ritika Arora , one of the best implant surgeons in Mumbai.
Before the start of Tooth implantation procedure, A comprehensive examination is done.
Traditionally when you had multiple missing teeth the only option used to be doing Long bridges or use removable dentures.
Immediate implants are done in cases where the tooth un-restorable and has to undergo extraction..
Dr Paulo Malo introduced This revolutionary concept of all on 4 Dental Implants almost 20 years back.
To put in simple words, All – on dental implants is a dental treatment used for full mouth reconstruction to give you fixed teeth.
Implant retained over dentures is one of the most cost-effective solutions to restore your smile as well as your oral functions.
Zygomatic Implants are special kind of Dental Implants that are longer than conventional dental Implants../span>
TEETH IN AN HOUR / TEETH IN A DAY where the patient from having a missing teeth to having a tooth functionally and aesthetic acceptable in an hour.
Bone grafts are materials which are used to grow the jawbones or repair of the defects in the jawbones.